Florence, capital of culture and art, hosts tourismA International Archaeological Exhibition
An annual three-day event held in the prestigious and central location of “Palazzo dei Congressi”.
tourismA is an opportunity for exposure, disclosure and comparison of all initiatives related to communication of ancient world and valorization of archaeological witnesses.
tourismA for who?
tourismA – International exhibition of archaeology is aimed at all the cultural and economic realities active in archaeological, artistic and monumental fields: private and public research institutes, archaeological parks and museums, tourist boards, tour operators and cultural associations.
Why Florence?
To make tourismA a great chance of meeting between operators and fans, Florence has been chosen as one of European cities mostly linked to the idea of cultural heritage as an identity value and engine for economic development.
Florence is also the most easily accessible city in Italy: the Congress Center, where the Exhibition is held, is right in front of the Santa Maria Novella Railway Station, which is located in the centre of the national high-speed rail system…
tourismA can be reached by train from most locations in Italy.

promo tourismA

Firenze Archeofilm